MaraTrail di Termini, domenica 9 giugno 2013
* FOTO *lunga cammi
nata per escursionisti indipendenti ed autosufficienti (28km + 1.300m disl.)Ritrovo in piazza a Termini dalle ore 9:30 * PARTENZA ore 10:00
PERCORSO: Termini - S. Agata - Tore - Malacoccola - Monte Monticchio - San Costanzo - Campanella - Termini
riprese di FRANCE TELEVISION/Thalassa Thirty five years old, THALASSA is broadcasted on prime time every friday, on public channel France 3, with an average of three millions viewers, fifteen millions all around the world with TV5 WORLD satellite channel. | The blue planet is our source of inspiration, our boundless resource of images, of challenges and battles, whether the topic is economic, ethnographic, scientific or environmental. Our deep interest for the truth and the facts, for the charisma of our characters and their customs, for the beauty of the world, are the essence of our work. |
2 video di parte del percorso: Malacoccola e Monte di Monticchio *** Termini, Rezzale, crinale S. Costanzo, Termini
partecipazione libera sotto la propria responsabilità